Grab Your Writing by the Nasty Bits
The Boulder Writer’s Workshop has invited me to teach a class on writing, creative process, and multimedia collaboration, from a queer perspective. Here’s what I came up with:
Do you ever feel like writing is a mysterious dark magic, and you are a diviner channeling the ancient muse onto a blank page? What do you do when the fickle bastard evaporates, leaving only clichés and a nasty stain on your pillow?
Take control of your writing. Start questioning your assumptions about what is or isn’t possible with the art. Build a toolkit you can trust to guide you past the fatal mindbog of blocks, habits, and hangups.
With an understanding of creative process, influence from other disciplines, the lessons of post-structuralist queer theory, and a sprinkle of pixie-stick sugar, we can banish the paralyzing muse-delusion once and for all.
I can’t wait to start. We’ll be working with techniques from business, design, theatre, music, and more. Anything to take control of the process and push our art as far as it will go. These aren’t one-size-fits-all solutions, but a large enough toolkit will go a long way.
The Details:
- Wednesdays from 7-9pm, Oct 10 - Nov 14.
- Laundry on Lawrence, 27th and Lawrence, Denver.
- $205 Professional Members | $240 General Admission.
It’s going to be a blast. Bring a project you want help on, or play it by ear. We’ll help you out with any project in any genre/medium. Register now!