Miriam Suzanne

More Articles…

Electronic Literature and the Nonhuman

I’ll be in Milwaukee this weekend for a brief appearance at the SLSA 2012 jurried elit event – performing the Post-Obsolete Book.

Grab Your Writing by the Nasty Bits

The Boulder Writer’s Workshop has invited me to teach a class on writing, creative process, and multimedia collaboration

Double-decker standing desk

I’ve always built my own desks. You can make a desk in minutes from any number of common components, and tear it down just as fast if you need more space.

Lori DeBoer on Self Doubt

"What has changed in my years of writing is that I’ve come to regard the state of self-doubt as normal. The trick to dispel doubts? Write anyway."

Susy 1.0 Release

Susy 1.0 has officially launched! This release is loaded with new features, but don’t let that fool you. Susy has become shockingly simple to use.

Birthday Books

My birthday was on Tuesday, and I received several fantastic books from fantastic friends.

➡ Off-canvas design with Susy1

on OddBird

The off-canvas design pattern for creating responsive websites has been getting all the attention lately, and I’ve had several people ask how Susy might play along.

Oddities and Curious Lands

The beautiful digital art, inexplicable games, and "stunningly harmful" songs of Jason Nelson.

Create a striped css background using Sass

Jina asked twitter for help creating a rainbow-striped background gradient in Sass, with any set of colors. This is my solution.